
I concur...

Yeah, this is getting down to crunch time. In 2 months, we're moving out of Washington, DC. In that time, there'll have to be at least a couple trips to NY, not the very least of which might be for Thanksgiving.

Nothing new to report as far as plans for the trip go this week. Baby G had a rough week at work, and I just finished 7 shifts in 4 days last night. Don't get me wrong, I made BANK, but I'm pretty sore all over and if I could afford a doctor to prescribe me something silly, I would. Tomorrow will be better.

One thing I should be ashamed of sharing but I'm not is that I actually surfed the web for TV listings in New Zealand to see if we'll still be able to catch "Lost" while we're there.

Whatever. Don't judge me.

Off to see the Tigers and Mets win.


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